36 hours

36 hours down, 36 hours to go. I’m right in the middle of my 72 hour water fast. This is where you have only water for 72 hours. Not sure who knows about this, but fasting like this has been around for thousands of years. After 24 hours, your body goes into autophagy. This is where the body essentially starts eating itself. In fact, autophagy in Greek translates to self eating. This is super beneficial as the body breaks up and eats diseased cells, mainly attributed to Alzheimer’s and a number of cancers. Here’s the technical info if you’re interested. If not, skip the next paragraph.

Autophagy (or autophagocytosis; from the Greek αὐτόφαγος, autóphagos, meaning “self-devouring”[1] and κύτος, kýtos, meaning “hollow”)[2] is the natural, conserved degradation of the cell that removes unnecessary or dysfunctional components through a lysosome-dependent regulated mechanism.[3] It allows the orderly degradation and recycling of cellular components.[4][5] Although initially characterized as a primordial degradation pathway induced to protect against starvation, it has become increasingly clear that autophagy also plays a major role in the homeostasis of non-starved cells.[6] Defects in autophagy have been linked to various human diseases, including neurodegeneration and cancer, and interest in modulating autophagy as a potential treatment for these diseases has grown rapidly.

Anyhow, surprisingly, I’m not that hungry. I’m super alert and focused and am also down 4 pounds in the first 36 hours. And that’s not water weight as that’s all I’ve had! They say you should do this once a year. Some people do it a couple times a month, or fast for longer, like ten days! No way I could do that, as 72 hours, while so far, isn’t that bad, is enough. So, more water only until dinner time tomorrow night.

Today we’re off to Denver to see Phoebe to get haircuts. I’m also dropping some wine at my lawyer’s office and have a few other stops while Lori’s color is getting done. Tom made Christmas cookies and if we have time, we’ll stop and grab some. We talked for 20 minutes or so yesterday to catch up, glad he’s doing well.

Hope to be home by 3. Not sure if we’re having cigars tonight or not. I personally haven’t smoked a cigar since the Halloween party on October 26th. I just decided to take a break. No particular reason, just on a whim.

Ty’s off today. Jag is working hard at school. Lori had an impromptu meeting yesterday and after continuously complaining about not yet getting her bonus, they miraculously said they made a mistake last year on coding some procedures and owe her $30,000. What really happened is that Dr. B. thought she was going to quit and went in and yelled at the CEO and I think threatened to leave the practice himself if they didn’t take care of Lori. So, in a matter of an hour, they found this missing money. Hmmm. We’ll of course take it, but she shouldn’t have had to wait this long or have this go on this long. They’re also working on a $50,000 raise for her starting January 1. They’d better figure it out as she’s worth way more than that (numbers prove it), and they can’t lose her, or it could (I think would) sink the practice, as Dr. B would not have the patients and revenue without her. It’s so frustrating that people aren’t appreciated until they threaten to leave, or in many cases, do leave their job. Dr. B. saw this coming as Lori sent an email over the weekend with her concerns and frustrations, and that finally got everyone’s attention. I actually wrote the email for Lori to help her get her points across. It was honest, yet critical of everything and everyone, including the CEO. We didn’t know, but Dr. B forwarded the entire email on to Chris the CEO! Well, that stirred things up, and in the end solved things and I think will actually make the company stronger, as he’s now going to be taking Lori’s input on things. Truthfully, Lori would make a better CEO than this guy but that’s not the job she wants. I’m super glad they finally realize and understand what they have in her, as she really is amazing. If we moved to New York or somewhere, she’d be making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Tough day for her, but all’s well, ends well.

Time to get moving, have a great Thursday and God Bless.

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