If you’re reading this, not matter how you feel about your life, you do have a lot to be thankful for! No doubt about it. Many people don’t have things we take for granted every day. If you have your health, a warm bed, and food daily, you’re ahead of most of the people, not only in this World, but now in our Country too. It’s easy to feel sorry for yourself and dwell on what you don’t have. The trick is to be thankful for what you do have. Then you’ll realize you really are one of the lucky ones. Enjoy the day and do something for someone who has less than you. You’ll feel good, I promise.
Yesterday I shoveled from about 6 to 7am. It was a wet heavy snow. Once I had it off the driveway though, I was good to go. Throughout the day, it warmed up enough so all the roads and sidewalks, if they were plowed, ended up dry. Lori and I headed out to get a few last-minute groceries and then came home. Ty was here cleaning his room before heading to Denver with Sonny, for Jude’s birthday. He’s raiding my closet daily as he’s now a cowboy, all decked out in a hat, boots, western shirts and jeans. Nice to see him move on from his rap stage, ha. He’ll head up this morning and be here by noon.
Lori says we’re watching Christmas movies all day long. I’d rather watch football, but I can go with Christmas movies if it makes her happy.
Today is Annette’s birthday! Happy Birthday Annette! Hope you have a great day. Lori says she and her sister Jean are going to the movies. Fun. We almost went to see the new Gladiator movie yesterday but didn’t make it.
This weekend, Sunday, is December 1st! Hard to believe. We all know, life goes faster the older you get. What a cruel joke. I remember when we were kids, it seemed like it took months for Christmas to actually arrive. Savor each day and memory.
Quick dose of reality and a public service announcement. Crime is skyrocketing, especially in the cities, but it’s now everywhere. Be careful! When our new President gets in, we’ll see the tide turn. Some idiots, like the Mayor of Denver and some other liberal cities, have vowed to protect criminal illegal aliens, and in the case of Denver, even deploy the police to stop Federal officials from arresting and removing criminals. Think about that! How are these people still in office and who votes for them in the first place. What part about criminal illegal aliens says they deserve anything but a one-way ticket out of the Country. Thank God President Trump won. Every single State in the Country shifted to the right, but the Dems still don’t get it. Oh, and in California, 23 days after the election, 2 House elections have magically changed to favor the two democrat candidates by less than 20 votes, by counting disputed mail in votes. Third World countries can count their votes in a day, but California takes over 3 weeks. Anyone else smell a rat here? And the kicker is their Governor, that joke Newsom, just bought a $9.1 million dollar mansion with funds from a company that was formed two days before the transaction closed. Don’t you wish we all played the game by the same rules as the politicians? Show me a rich politician and I’ll show you a crook. I’ll stop now but could go on and on but don’t want to go any further down the rabbit hole and ruin the spirit of the day.
Time to get moving and head to the gym. Our turkey is going to take about 3 hours according to Lori. It’s beautiful outside but I think around 15 degrees. No worries, we’re used to it. We need to run up to Davy’s on the way to the gym to feed and let Juno (their bulldog) and Tux, their cat, out.
Have a great day, enjoy your family and friends, and again, be thankful for whatcha got! God Bless.