Off to the Springs

I have a 1pm meeting in Monument meaning I’ll leave around 9am. Should be home between 6 and 7. Long drive but I hardly ever get to see a couple of these guys as Steve lives in Atlanta. He and his brother Mike, are partners in a couple brands.

Yesterday I headed back to Buena Vista with Marty as he changed some things around on his rifle the night before. Turns out he was turning the parallax knob on his scope which controls windage from side to side, instead of the elevation turret to control distance. It didn’t take long for me to dial his rifle in, so now, as long as he doesn’t mess with it, he’s good to go.

My neck seems all better today, knock on wood. Lori will be working from home and as I said, I’ll be driving most of the day. Harley woke us up at 4:18 which is even a little early for us. I went back to bed until 6am.

Sprinklers are blown out. Looks like between the 11th and the 14th, we could get some moisture up here. 27 degrees in Kremmling this morning, mid 30’s here. Won’t be long now until we see some change in the weather.

Trump mentioned Aurora during a speech yesterday and Polis (the Governor) countered saying how safe it is. I don’t about you, but no way I’d go to Aurora for anything. There was another shooting there last night. Gangs HAVE taken over various apartment buildings, that’s a fact. Of course, the democratic Governor has to say it’s safe, but anyone who lives in Colorado and sees the news every morning, knows it flat out is not safe. Hell, none of Denver, or any other blue city is safe these days. There was a sidewalk robbery last week in Cherry Creek, as I mentioned the other day, where a guy was robbed of his watch at gunpoint. I could go on and on with stories from friends, but you get the point. Most people we know that still live down there have changed their habits of when and where they go places, which right there, shows you things just are not safe. When you as a citizen have to consider changing anything you want to do, due to crime or safety issues, there’s a problem. What choice do the dems have though, they have to tell you it’s safe. How would the election go for them if they told the truth and said, it’s not safe outside due to the mass illegal immigration and lax enforcement of our laws. That wouldn’t help, so they have to lie. So, be safe and watch out for yourself, wherever you are.

Nice morning outside right now, perfect hunting weather. Cool and clear with the leaves beginning to fall off the trees. Just about perfect. Lori is messing around with her box of Halloween decorations that arrived yesterday. She’s all in on decorating. Good for her. Tomorrow I need to pack so we can leave Saturday am. Ty is using the Bronco tickets and going to the Raider game this weekend. Should be fun. We’re glad he’s going. Jagger is at a friend’s wedding.

That’s it, 7am now. Guess I’ll get moving. I might head out early and stop at Scheels which is a great outdoor store down by my meeting. One last thing, I read an article the other day about our food as RFK keeps talking about it. Turns out everything from Doritos to Gatorade to McDonalds, and tons of other products that they make for us here in the U.S., have more and worse ingredients than the same products they sell in the U.K. and Europe. For example, McDonalds fries over there have 4 ingredients, while ever here, they have 11. This is because Europe has outlawed things that they have proven are bad for you and even cause diseases like cancer. Lesson here is companies will knowingly make and sell things that they know can make people sick, to make more money, and our government lets them. Nice, right? What a Country.

Have a great day, God Bless.

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