Gates of Heaven

Can’t think of many places as nice as where we live. Every place has issues these days, but if you look at the main factors of defining a great place to live, we pretty much check all the boxes. Fairly low crime, although it’s getting worse here too, good weather, if you like 4 seasons, clean air and water, and for the most part, not as much traffic or people as in a city. The only bad thing is the cost of living. I guess that’s what you get when you get all the good things, as everyone wants to live here.

Yesterday I made it to Denver by 8:45 and was out by 11. I stopped at the Sherriff’s department in Eagle on the way home to see my buddy, who is the Sherriff, and give him a few cases of wine for some benefit they have every year. I help him out a few times each year. He just got married a week ago! Small ceremony with only 8 people. Good for him. It’s his second. I asked him about the influx of migrants, and he said while we’re getting some, they’re no worse, so far, than the stupid locals that commit crimes. He was headed to a meeting with concerned parents over all the school threats. He did say things are getting worse, which is to be expected with all the building and growth we’re experiencing. He keeps an eye out for us and our hood. Good to have the Sherriff as a close friend.

While I was gone, Lori had the house cleaners here. Ty worked until 7:45 last night, deep cleaning the restaurant by himself, to get some overtime and just get things straightened up at work. We’re headed to the gym and then will stop and see him on the way home. Have a great weekend. I have a couple loads to get out of the storage unit today. Seems never ending. God Bless you all, stay safe.

Here’s a pic of the gates to heaven, or more commonly known as our backyard, ha!

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