New Windshield

Well, Lori and Ty’s cars both have new windshields. After getting the Porsche fixed, I stopped at the grocery store before heading home. It’ll be much cooler this weekend with even some snow high on the top of the peaks. Jag and Ava and her parents are going to the CU Baylor game Saturday night, and rain is in the forecast.

Tomorrow morning Lori has her five-year colonoscopy. That means no food today after I think 10am. Luckily, she checks in at 7:30 so she should be done by 9am. It’s always best to get a morning check in, otherwise you’re starving all day long as you can’t eat. This is the number one preventive procedure everyone over 50 should have. It’s not as bad as it was 20 years ago as the prep is now basically just a bunch of Gatorade. It used to be this nasty stuff you’d have to get from the pharmacy. If you’re over 50 and haven’t had one (Tom?) get on it!

We’ll head to the gym this morning and then be around the house. James is in Mexico City and has the first of four shows starting tomorrow. Davy and I were hanging at the park yesterday afternoon with his kids, planning out when we can go shooting before hunting. He’s heading down to the family ranch by Gunnison to finish up getting the hay in on Sunday. He’ll bring his rifle back Wednesday and we’ll get out next week.

Political ads are picking up. Most all are misleading. The polls say Trump and Harris are about even but they always over index democrats when polling. This means when they poll ten people, 7 or 8 are democrats, while 2 or 3 are republicans. Then they tell us it’s even. Lots of people who vote for Trump, won’t say they’re voting for Trump either, as they don’t want to risk any potential backlash. Think back, did republicans burn down cities, beat people up, ruin national monuments or cause any other damage when Obama won? The answer is no. But what happened when Trump won? It was a full on melt down by the left, the party of inclusion, yea right. What about all the celebrities who said they’d leave the Country. That never happened. Yet they’re saying it again thinking anyone cares. Why do celebrities think anyone really cares about who they vote for? Same with Hillary who is now calling for criminal charges for people that post certain memes. Of course she means anti Harris memes. You see it’s ok to trash Trump and the republicans. It’s also ok to call Trump a “threat to democracy” but not to question the White House or the administration why it’s ok to call him a threat to democracy! Yesterday the White House spokesman actually said that “it’s ok to call Trump a threat to democracy but dangerous to ask why it’s ok to call him a threat to democracy”. Unbelievable. Can’t make this shit up. People better wake up and vote for policy instead of personality. Enough said.

6am now. Time to get moving. Have a great day and God Bless.

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