Yesterday I took Marty down to have his drain removed. Unfortunately, his drain was leaking or something, so the PA said they need to leave it in for another two to four weeks. He was of course bummed, but I told him to look at the bright side and explained what that was. Hopefully he’ll get some better news today from the doctor.
I left around 11 and was home around 4 or 4:30. I was talking to Tom and said how I really wasn’t up for another drive, but you do what you have to do.
Today I might try to get over to the storage unit to start purging it. We’re getting everything out of there by the end of the month, one way or another.
Yesterday was the 7 year anniversary of Mom passing away. I had it on my calendar but forgot about it at 6am. Of course, I remembered a couple hours later. Hard to believe it’s been 7 years. Tom pointed out how many people have passed away in August. Dad, Dixie, Ally, and others. Not a fun month. All you can do is remember the good times.
We’re sort of at a crossroads of deciding if we’re going to move next year or the year after and just when we should stop working. Marty is really there with his recent health scare. He’s all in on finding property where we can grow vegetables and raise animals as his whole problem came from a bad gut. Gut health is the key to longevity and health. Apparently, your body wants 30 different vegetables a week!
I’d like to make a couple million dollars before calling it a day. I have a plan, so we’ll see how it goes. One thing is for sure, there’s more to life than work. We’ll see what happens.
Have a great day, GB.