Well, we made it. Took about 9 hours and 15 minutes. We probably wasted a good hour with multiple stops. But we made it here safe.
Upon arriving and checking in, we met with the rest of the crew who came down for the event. Turns out there are 16 of us in total! This includes family from California, Colorado and Oklahoma. Most are direct descendants of Dix’s family so lots of stories. Four of us are not blood related.
After hanging out for a bit, we all went for Mexican food across the street. It was a fun time. This morning we’re off for the cemetery where Dixie’s family bought a dozen plots in the late 1800’s! About half the cemetery’s residents are from Dixie’s family. Everyone is super happy we’re doing this. It’s like a mini family reunion.
After we take Dix and Don’s ashes to their final resting place, we’ll hang out until dinner when we’re all going out. Oklahoma and Kansas are pretty flat and full of corn or fields of other stuff. Couldn’t live here but you have to admire those that do.
It’s been a fun time for Lori and I, and so far, a fun road trip, even though she did work most of the day yesterday. More to come. Have a great day and God Bless.