
I’m headed down the hill in less than an hour. I’m dropping my truck for its first oil change and then need to run up to the bank to drop some papers. After that, I’m headed to St. Anthony’s hospital. Marty was taken by ambulance yesterday after going to the ER up here for the second time in two days. Turns out he has abscesses on his colon from diverticulitis. This has been causing intense abdominal pain and can be dangerous if they burst. They’ll go in this morning to drain or take them out and then it looks like he could be in the hospital 10 to 14 days on antibiotics! Nothing to mess around with. Luckily, he went to the ER when I told him to.

Lori is still positive and I’m still negative. That means I’m still sleeping upstairs and only see her in passing when she comes out for something. She’s always all masked up and we use Lysol wipes like they’re going out of style. She’s still coughing and has a little fever. My hands have never been so clean from the endless washing. Hope she’s negative today as this is getting old. Even though it’s just a cold, it is a bad one. You can see how someone old would have a hard time with this.

Mark and I smoked a couple of cigars yesterday. He’s been in Kansas City celebrating his mom’s 92nd birthday. She’s still all there, physically and mentally. She plays fantasy football with him and her other sons, takes Uber on her own, and does just about anything else she wants. This weekend, she’s throwing (or carrying) the first pitch out for the Kansas City Royals, Cleveland Indians baseball game. They go to almost all the Royals and Chiefs games. I told him how lucky he is to still have his mom around. Sure wish my mom was still here.

5:30am now. Lori is still sleeping, Harley has had breakfast and I, my coffee. Time to hit the shower and get on the road. Be well, stay safe and God Bless.

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