It’s sort of misty outside with some low hanging clouds. Think we had a little rain last night and it’s in the mid 50’s right now. Lori says it feels like Fall. The news says the colors will be changing around September 15th or so. That’s the day bird hunting open up too! Can’t wait.
The kids are headed to Boulder today. Jag needs to take his car in tomorrow to finally get fixed. Lori has a crack on her windshield, so I need to get on that.
Our beef should arrive from Texas today. Think I might make a chuck roast tomorrow. We’re still slowly stocking up for Winter. Slow and steady wins the race. We were talking about inflation the other day with some friends, and they summed it up pretty well, saying the cost of things up here are not just expensive, they’re offensive! Never heard of the cost of things referred to in that way, but that’s a good term for things. Our elected representatives, (they’re not our leaders even though they’d have you believe they are) have sure screwed things up. Wish we could kick them all out. In the 70’s, everyone had the attitude of live and let live. Now, to try to get and keep power, those “representatives, will do anything to try to divide us. They do this because people fall for it. If we all woke up one day and said to each other, go live your life, do what you want to do, just don’t push your beliefs on me, we’d all be fine. It’s clear if you watched either convention, that’s all they got. At least the Republicans have some ideas on how to fix things. All the Democrats have is telling you how bad the Republicans are. What a mess. Getting rid of these guys in D.C. won’t come easy. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
Time to get moving. 6:40am now, hang in there. Have a great day, God Bless.