Hoping the smoke moves out soon. Yesterday Denver was ranked 9th worse in the World for air quality. They were tied with Mumbai! They say it’ll be a little better today, but not much. We still slept with the windows shut again. If you run the a/c, you’re just sucking in smokey air.
Lori is in Frisco today and I’m heading to the gym. I have a call at 10. My truck will finally be ready tomorrow. That means I’ll be running down the hill early so I can hopefully get back up here and out of the haze.
Ty works today and Jag is working away. He and Ava are going to California a week from Friday for a week. That should be a fun break for them, sort of like a mini summer vacation.
That’s it for the day. Still dark out at 5:15 am. Make it a great day and God Bless.