It was a long day in Denver, a good day, but a long day. We made it down around 9:45am and left around 4. With traffic and rain, this put us home around 6:30. Just in time for the train wreck that was the debate. Last night and this morning, the knives are out for Joe Biden. Every democratic talking head is saying how horrible he was and that he needs to step aside as democracy is at stake, bwaaahh. I actually felt sorry for Joe. You could tell he was drugged up. He gained 20 pounds or so in a week, most likely from steroids, and had so much botox, his face, when he had a facial expression, would only move on the sides. Some think he had an earpiece in as he kept playing with his right ear. It was, and has been, flat out elder abuse. His wife is most to blame. Ask yourself, if he was your dad, would you have let him go out there? I sure wouldn’t.
Now let’s look at what’s different this morning. It’s not that all of a sudden, all these pundits and experts, saw Joe’s dementia for the first-time last night, (like they’re acting), no, it’s because all of America saw it. Ask yourself why none of these people didn’t speak up before. They didn’t speak up as they thought they could just pull a 2020 basement strategy and hide Joe from all of us and win again. Up until a minute before the debate, they were all telling us how sharp and together Joe is. If they truly just found out, how much he’s lost it, from that debate, that should tell you right there to never ever listen to any of them again.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, all you’ll hear them say is things like Trump lied for 90 minutes, democracy and freedom are at stake and on and on. They’re scrambling and in full on panic mode and will replace Joe. Watch for some gracious exit for him soon, probably within 2 weeks.
From Trumps standpoint, the economy was better under him, we weren’t in a war, China and Russia were held in check, Nato countries did pay their fair share, and more. We’ll see where it goes from here, but again, it’s hilarious watching all these Dems act as if last night, all of a sudden, in a single moment, Joe lost it. Give me a break.
Good rain last night. We’re supposed to get more this afternoon and this evening. Wish we hadn’t said we’d go to the symphony. Right now, we’re headed to the gym. Hope all’s well, get ready for a rocky 125 days or so until the election. God Bless.