Monday, again

Soon it’ll be June and summer should be here in full force. One more freeze warning for tomorrow night, so the plants will come into the garage. We managed to get a few things cleaned up around here yesterday. Lots more to do.

Should be nice today and then be warming up again mid-week going into the weekend. I’m going to try to get some more work done in the garage and the basement today. Last full week of May so lots of orders to get in too.

Jag has been busy with work and Ty is off today and tomorrow. Looks like Ty has his choice of going to the 4 Seasons or two of the top restaurants in town, for work. Any will be a step up in money and experience.

On to football as basketball is over. That’s ok as it frees up a lot of time as I don’t have any more basketball or hockey to watch now that we’re done.

Time to go, 5:42am now. Have a great week and God Bless.

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