No eclipse here, just another day. We saw a few images on the news, but we still would not have traveled for the 3-to-5-minute spectacle. To each their own.
I made it back to the gym and feel a whole lot better today. We’re figuring out what to do for Lori’s birthday. I think Addy, James, Lori and I are going to a Kentucky Derby party at the Aspen Polo Club over in Carbondale. Marty and Melanie might come if they’re not in Tahiti. They had bought tickets as their oldest was going to get married but can’t as he doesn’t have the right paperwork from Canada where his longtime girlfriend lives. Long story. After the derby the plan is for us all to go stay the night in Aspen.
There is a cool show on PBS which honors Elton John. You should watch it if you can. James played it a couple weeks ago and told us all about it, pretty wild stuff. James and Addy look great and were in the front row. The cameras always pan on him at these things.
It’s 5:26 now as we woke up at 5. We’ll head to the gym soon.
Today we join California as the only other State to report to the govt. any firearm or ammo purchases made with a credit card, nice. We’re seriously thinking about moving. So sad to see Colorado turn into California. People better wake up as the Country is headed in the wrong direction. Arizona and Montana are tops on the list. We’d like to consider Florida but just can’t go that far east.
Time to get moving, have a great Tuesday, God Bless.