Dinner in Denver

We’ll be in Denver tonight for dinner, as mentioned yesterday. Looks like the snow has stopped and warm temperatures are on the way. Should be a fun time. We all in Colorado lose an hour tonight as Daylight Savings Time is over.

Think we’re going to go to Costa Rica in May and Copenhagen in June. The kids will go with us to Costa Rica and then Lori and I will head to Europe with Shultz and Jane to see James and the boys play a show. Lorenzo and Jen say Copenhagen is the best city in Europe to go to right now. The Olympics will be going on in Paris so that should thin out some of the crowds.

Ty is up and out the door as he works at 7 this morning. I need to wash the truck before we head down this afternoon.

Craig our landscaper was over yesterday afternoon, and has some extra aspen trees left over from last year, so I think we’ll add some more to the backyard. He always gives us a great deal as I pay cash. Years ago, I had to train him on this but now he’s addicted to getting paid in cash from me and I always get a good discount on everything. Need to wait about a month for the ground to thaw out. I think when it warms up, it’s really going to warm up so we’ll take all the moisture we can get.

That is about it. Time to go. 6:30 now. We’ll probably go to the gym. I worked out with Brent yesterday and did legs and chest so I can take it easy today. Have a great Saturday and God Bless.

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