
Good morning..and it is a good morning.  After the drive up to Peak Pain and Surgery Medical Center we got checked in.  I didn’t want an IV, but the Nurse said it was policy now just in case my blood pressure dropped too low and they needed to get fluids in quickly.  When I told the doctor that I didn’t want any sedation he said he would have the anesthesiologist ready incase I changed my mind.  I went in at about 2:30 and maybe would have changed my mind about sedation had I fully understood this procedure. I thought it would be 8 bee stings followed by 8 stronger stings and then a bit of pressure. It was actually 8 bee stings followed by 4 needles inserted between the bone one at a time, wiggled into the correct positions, pushed in one or two more times for good measure and left in place until all 4 were in between the bones.  Next, he inserted needles into the receptor needles and administered the first medicine to all four sites…it felt like hot pressure. That took 25-30 minutes and then it was on to the next side.  They asked if I was okay or if I wanted the sedation, but at that point I said I would just cowgirl up.  The doc said he had people do this with no sedation before, but it was at most two injections per side.  Seriously…I rock!! When the injections were all done they had me move from the surgery table to the gurney..I was so dizzy that I asked if they didn’t accidentally (or on purpose) give me something in my IV…of course they didn’t, but the doc did say that this was the first time he had done 4 injections on each side and that could make me a bit dizzy….My sweet husband came in to the recovery room bearing yummy food…turkey wraps, cookies and water.  I thought I needed to use the restroom, but upon hearing that the nurse would need to accompany me, I changed my mind.  Did I mention what a wonderful man the Mister is…driving me to and from…hunting and gathering food….and taking all around superb care of me.  I did ask if he was ready to trade me in for a new model…he replied no.  Thank God!

Anyway, we made it home about 5:30 and I was still feeling a bit loopy but I think better. I returned to normal activity like dinner as they told me to. We all made it to bed around 8:30 or 9. I woke up around 1am and thought my head was going to burst but after some aspirin and some prayers, finally fell back asleep. Of course I did manage to accidentally wake the mister. This morning I feel better although I still have a headache but it is much better than it was. I’m keeping a pain diary per the doctor’s instructions and need to send it to him and call for my next appointment. Hopefully this is the start of my recovery. Time to make breakfast so here’s the mister…

Good morning, I was awaken this morning by a big wet kiss, not from the misses but from Mojo the malamute who somehow broke out of his pen and came upstairs to wake me. Soon the whole house was up as I jumped out of bed to see if he peed on our blankets as he likes to mark wherever the misses is sleeping. You see, he thinks he’s married to her, not me!

Yesterday we sent off 4 tax returns and extensions. We finally figured it all out as this year with the addition of the Bocelli portion of our Company, we now have to file in NY, NJ, CA in addition to CO and our Federal return. At least the Company is going to pay for all the additional taxes for me and the other officers, which is great news!

On another note, I took one of my shotguns yesterday morning and traded it straight across (actually got $87 back) for a new in the box youth shotgun for the oldest kiddo. I hadn’t planned on this but one of my friends called and said he just got in 2 of these which come with 2 wood stocks that are different sizes so you can swap them out as he grows. Since I have enough shotguns anyhow (you can only shoot one at a time), I jumped at the chance to get this for him. It’s important that you get a gun that fits younger shooters when they’re just starting out. He and I are both excited and hope to break it in this weekend. I’m actually more excited than him, and he’s pretty excited.

Mom’s making smoothies (we need to go grocery shopping) and bagel bites for breakfast for the boys. The oldest one has a field trip today up to the Hiwan Homestead near Evergreen which is some kind of historical spot from the 1800’s. He’s quite excited.

Time to run as the kids are bouncing all over the house, it’s a wonder I don’t have headaches too. The girls at the surgery center were really nice as was the doctor. It was much more state of the art than where she had been before. You do get what you pay for, no question.

Time to go, I have 18 minutes to take a shower and get the kids to school, have a great day and keep your fingers crossed for the misses, God Bless.

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