Good games

Two good football games yesterday and we have two more today. Ty worked all day. Before the games, I took down the Christmas decorations outside. We also made a quick run to Ace Hardware and Costco. No new snow, it was actually sunny and nice. More of that to come.

Ty works at 8 and then we’ll go to the gym. I’m backing off on heavy weights and switching to more cardio. 2 miles a day on the treadmill for a while, plus some stretching and abs.

Tomorrow I think I’ll be in Denver and Tuesday in Aspen. Might end up in Grand Junction tomorrow instead. I have a call today that will let me know.

Ten days left in January, hard to believe. We need to decide where we want to go after Jagger and Ava are out of school.

My new company is coming along well. Every day we refine the idea a bit more and are inching closer to making it happen. Things will pick up quickly next month.

Time to get moving. Have a great Sunday and please let the Buffalo Bills pulverize the Kansas City Chiefs! God Bless.

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