Getting close

Tom and I had a nice lunch yesterday. Glad I could make the time to go down and hang out. Ty was sick, so he didn’t make it. No point in getting either Tommy or I sick right before Christmas. We went for Mexican food after he opened his presents. He told me he had more texts yesterday for his birthday than any other time in his life. Hope he had a good night.

After lunch I had a quick haircut which was originally scheduled for Ty and then headed home. I dropped Robi’s presents off at Fed Ex and then went home before heading back out to Costco. Today I’m going to try to get a short stand-alone heater for outside from Home Depot and then get some stuff done around here before the cleaners come at 1. Lori is working in Vail but she’s cleaning the pantry right now. We have lots to do before tomorrow night’s party.

Jag has a final at 7:30 this morning and another at 7:30 tonight, and then is done. I told him he and Ava shouldn’t drive up at 10 at night and just come up in the morning. We’re going to Tom’s Saturday morning as it’s supposed to snow Saturday night and Sunday. Unfortunately, Ty works Saturday so he won’t be able to come with us. I asked Tommy what he’s doing Christmas Eve and he has John and his girlfriend and her kid coming over. Glad he’ll have company, otherwise we’d probably brave the roads so he wouldn’t be alone.

Time to get moving so we can clean so the cleaners can clean. That never made sense to me, ha. Make it a great day and enjoy the season. Hope everyone is doing well, God Bless.

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