New email

So, not sure what happened to all my emails. Comcast won’t work on Outlook so after a few hours with Chip, who is an IT guy, I deleted it off Outlook. I can still access it via a browser but decided to open a new email account for all my secure stuff like credit cards, banking, taxes, etc. My new address is if any of you want to write that one down. It took me most of the day to transfer or send emails from my folders to the new email and then drop those in new folders.

I’m off to Denver today to meet Toby who sold a bunch of 375 ammo for me and has a bunch of cash. Then after a quick stop at Mile High, I’ll head home. Ty comes home tomorrow. Jag has a test today and Lori works in Vail.

More shootings in Denver, nice. I don’t even like going down there anymore, if I can help it. Used to be such a nice city. Hard to believe people didn’t realize what would happen by opening the borders, not enforcing laws, villainizing the police and endorsing bad behavior. It’s really not that complicated or difficult to fix. Start by enforcing the laws on the books, close the border and put all politicians on term limits. You can thank me later. As for us, we’ll stay up here in our bubble and when we go to the city, we go heavy. If you’re not sure what that means, ask me sometime and I’ll explain it.

Have a great day, stay safe, take care and for God’s sake, do not get any more vaccines! That’s a whole different story. Here’s Jagger and Eva from dinner the other night! God Bless

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