No sleep

We’re tired, but happy. Last night after a late start (8:20pm), we won the big game in double overtime! We trailed most of the game and it wasn’t our best showing, especially in the first half, but in the end, we tied it up to go to overtime and won. It was a chippy game and the other team from Ft. Collins, took tons of cheap shots the entire game. I think they had 10 personal fouls. It almost seemed like they planned to knock one of our top guys out of the game on purpose. Some of their guys should be suspended.

Before the game, Marty and Dr. B came over to join Lori, Ty, Steve and I for dinner. We had a blast and Dr. B was happy to be invited as Molly, his wife, was in Nashville. Lori and I didn’t do a whole lot during the day. We were going shooting today but after being up to 12:30am and getting up a 5:30 am, not sure we’ll go today, maybe tomorrow instead.

That’s about it, 3-0, we’ll take it. I always say, no one remembers how you win, only how you lose! Have a great Sunday and God Bless.

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