Out for the season

No matter how you think the Bronco’s did the other night, we still have our quarterback. Well, last night, on the 4th play of the game, Aaron Rodgers, formerly of the Green Bay Packers, now with the Jets, tore his achilleas tendon and is out for the season, wow. Not life changing in the grand scheme of things, but in sports, especially in New York, wow. What’s almost as shocking is the Jets somehow beat the Bills. I feel a whole lot better about losing to the Raiders, ha.

Biden has to go. Yesterday on the anniversary of 9/11, he gave Iran 6 billion dollars to swap 5 prisoners for 5 prisoners. What ever happened to not paying ransom to terrorists? Smart logic will tell Iran, grab some more Americans. Let’s see, he’s now made bad deals with Russia and Iran, who’s next? Mexico? North Korea? I’ll bet North Korea. Furthermore, Iran says they’ll spend the money however they want, meaning on more weapons and crap, to kill Americans, unbelievable. And to do this on 9/11. Throw in not showing up in New York as all other Presidents have since the Twin Towers went down and his blabbering blunders all last week and it’s clear he’s done.

The only good news is a New Mexico Sherriff said he will not enforce the Dem Governor’s unconstitutional banning of legal citizens carrying firearms. At least one elected official has balls in this Country. To be clear, this was an organized trial balloon by the Dems seeing if the people will comply. Man are we far gone.

Now to the day, I’m nursing a strained disc in my neck since working out too hard when we came back from Arizona. Tomorrow is Marty’s birthday and we’re going to dinner with them at Frisco Prime, a steak house in Frisco. I was going to Denver today, but Ty is going to take the bus up saving me a trip. Marty stopped by yesterday as he was waiting for Costco to get his new diabetes medicine ready. Jag is doing well and so is Lori. Weird not writing about how Dixie is doing but she’s in our thoughts and prayers daily. It’s been two weeks today and it’ll take time to get used to her not being around. Tom mentioned the other day I didn’t post about Mom being gone six years on the 9th. I’m no longer posting anniversary’s of people’s death, and I didn’t post Dad’s or Ali’s either. I will post memories and stuff on holidays, but I think we all know and remember and miss our loved ones and can grieve or remember them in our own way. I, think about Mom every day, and I know Tom and Robin do too. For me, I’d rather celebrate their life through good memories rather than focus on the sad times, but I get it, to each their own. Moving on.

It’s been a little cooler up here which is nice. No rain like in Denver. Snow above 12,000 feet, winter is coming. Had Antonio the painter out yesterday as we might stain part or all of the house. The heat in the summer and snow and wind in the winter take a toll on the wood. A new house a block away just sold for $3 million so looks like we’re not in those areas where property values have dropped. That’s good news for our equity and value but bad news for our taxes which have doubled for next year. That’s about it, time to get moving, make it a great day and God Bless.

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