One week left

Soon it’ll be August! Then we’ll start moving fast into Fall and the end of the year. Back to school, although Jag never stopped, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, football and a bunch of birthdays will all happen in the span of 120 days. By the time January 1st rolls around, we’ll be in the thick of Winter. It’s going to come fast so get ready. Lori and I saw Halloween decorations at the grocery store yesterday!

Today we’re both working from home. Wednesday I’ll pick up Ty. He’s getting a haircut at 10:45. Thursday Lori has a hair appointment and Friday we head to Aspen with Jeff and Tina. Should be a fun weekend. First up though, I need to close the month which means I need to sell about $500K worth of wine this week!

Looks like a hot week with temps in the high 90’s down in the city. That means maybe 90 up here. Our saving grace is it cools down into the 50’s at night. A lot of the Country is roasting. We’re hoping for an Indian Summer meaning a late start to Winter and a long Fall.

Looks like Biden wants to outlaw generators now. If you need one, go get one. These guys just can’t get out of their own way. They think they have to regulate and oversee every aspect of our lives. Living in the 1800’s was super tough, even in the early 1900’s but at this point, if you could go back in time, you might consider it. I for sure would go back to the 60’s and 70’s, those were the golden years! We were so lucky to have grown up during those times.

Guess I’ll get moving, 6:38 now. We’ll either head to the gym or take a couple mile walk, maybe both! Have a good week, God Bless.

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