Wheels up!

At 11:55 we’re taking off for Maui! The flight is 7 hours but direct and we’re in First so it won’t be that bad. Three movies and lunch and we’re there. We land around 3 in the afternoon and will grab our rental car and head straight to Costco before going to James house. Super excited.

Harley did not want to go to the doggie hotel! The young girl there said she loves Harley and Harley is fine after about a day. I spent the rest of the day cleaning the house, packing and working out. I was going to take a TRX (band system) to workout with but think I’m just going to go all cave man over there and lift logs, giant turtles and Hawaiian bbq ribs!

Remember the blog will be up around noon MST each day with the time change. Cora, our 12 year old neighbor girl, is watering Lori’s plants while we’re gone. Of course it looks like good weather while we’re gone too, figures.

Time to hit the road. We might drop the truck at Tommy’s and take an Uber or I might just drive it in case there’s hail in Denver while we’re gone, as the airport has covered parking. I’ll decide when I get down there. Have a good day, God Bless and Aloha!

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