
Heading down this morning to have lunch with Ty and bring a load up from his dorm. We’ll stop at the mall and return the birthday presents that didn’t work for Lori.

Last night James and Addy came over to watch the game. First it looked like a blow out and then we came back but eventually lost. Didn’t think we’d sweep them as they get paid too. Hopefully we’ll step up tomorrow.

It’s sort of rainy out right now, kind of like summer in Italy. A little misty and somewhat cloudy but ok. Hope it’s nice in Denver. Today is the Kentucky Derby. Never been. We thought about it but it seems that it always rains. Plus it’s a lot of standing around for less than two minutes of action.

Jag has two finals tomorrow night and then two Wednesday. Not sure of Ty’s schedule. Time to get moving so we can be on the road in an hour. Enjoy the day, God Bless.

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