One more day!

Lori’s birthday is tomorrow! Whoo hoo!

Yesterday not much happened. I worked out really hard at the gym and then headed home to shower and get ready for the day. Lori was working in Vail and today is in Frisco. I’m off to Denver to pick up some money from Toby and for a few other stops. Looks like it’ll be 80 degrees down there today.

Friday we’re back down getting the boys passports and loading up some of Ty’s stuff. Both boys better get their act together as they both need to decide how, what, when and where and just about everything else, they’re doing this summer. Both need jobs and will probably be in for a bit of a shock as home is no longer a hotel where they can do as they please and leave messes everywhere. Might be a little adjustment, ha.

Time to get moving as not much else going on. Biden is still mindless, members of Congress are crooks and lie to our faces, Trump needs to go away and won’t, and most people don’t seem to care. The media is full of people who don’t tell the truth and push propaganda which most people don’t question. We are flat out in trouble. Hoping the masses wise up before it’s too late. God Bless.

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