No go

Thought we were going to Denver today but that’s not going to happen. No snow on the driveway but a dusting on the grass. Looks now like the big storm next week will be mostly rain.

I was down in Denver by 7:45 yesterday morning and out by 10:30 or 11. It was a good meeting. Lori was home for most of the day except for the gym and visiting her mom. This morning she’s off to Glenwood to get her hair done and I’m headed to the gym.

Last night we hung out and I watched the basketball game, great game! Today, now that we’re not going to Denver, we’ll just hang out around the house. That’s good news for me as 4 out of 5 days last week I was driving. I do have a call for an hour at 10 to prep for my trip to Texas on Monday.

Time to get moving. Today is Earth Day, now I’m not one of those radical environmentalists but do try to take care of the Earth. I have more of a holistic approach, meaning I try to live in concert with the planet and try to take care of it treating it as another living thing. We only have one planet, don’t screw it up. It’s sort of the approach native Americans take. They believe you can’t own it as Mother Earth is its own being. To each their own.

God Bless.

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