Doing well

Yesterday we went to Dixie’s, Lori went probably three times. She seemed fine. Her legs were a little swollen but I was expecting a whole lot worse. Lori said she looked 10 times better than the day before. So, all in all, it was a good day.

There’s no hiding the fact that she’s 92 and has a bunch of issues but as I’ve said before, it’s hard to bet against her. The great thing is, her mind is still pretty sharp. She jokes, can communicate and can express how she’s doing. She makes funny faces such as sticking her tongue out at you if you tell her something she doesn’t want to do, and has a witty response now and then to something random. We do need to keep her legs wrapped to keep compression on them until the swelling goes down. This all started when the place didn’t get her UA test results back in a timely manner and then didn’t get her the anti-biotics she needed. Hopefully we’re getting her back in her groove.

No snow yesterday and it warmed up in the afternoon. We’re expecting sunshine today and warmer temps over the next three days or so. It’s 5:48 now as I woke up at 5:15. Lori is still sleeping.

Jag and I have been watching a number of Youtube videos on quantitative finance and what it means to risk assessment and the future of the banking system. I’m meeting with the President of the leading crypto bank in the Country in a week or so and Jag might tag along as this guys dad is a PHD and author of many books and is a celebrity in the quant World having been a professor every where from USC to Harvard in quantitative finance. With the IMF launching UMU about a week ago, also known as Unicoin, I want to get up to speed on how this affects the future regarding cash and crypto integration. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) is marketing Unicoin as a way to enable instantaneous real-time settlement of cross-border payments between financial institutions and even companies. The Universal Monetary Unit (UMU) is one step closer to a cashless society which the PTB (powers that be) are pushing as once everything is digital, they can control everything. In my opinion, this is not a good thing and I need to get ahead of it. Last thing you want it to wake up some morning and find out all your money in the bank has been converted to a new Fedcoin. More to come but this has been predicted for a long time as of course all government’s would embrace it so they can wipe the slate clean, (eliminate all their debt from endless printing of dollars) and start over. Not good, and as I said, more to come.

6am now, time to move and groove. Hard to believe we’re halfway through the month. Lori’s 59th birthday is weeks away! Need to start making plans now, God Bless.

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