
Sorry for the late post. We were up most of the night with Dixie issues. She has so much fluid in her right now that it’s seeping out of her legs. Not sure how much time she has left, but again, I’m not betting against her.

We left around 6:30 this morning with both of us really tired. We headed to Dixie’s and Lori went up while I stayed in the truck. By the time she came back down I told her I couldn’t go to the gym which was the plan, as I was too tired. We headed home and I slept from about 8 to a little after 11am.

Lori went back down to her Mom’s and they wrapped Dixie’s legs and she took another nap. Dixie has either late stage 4 or stage 5 kidney failure. Lori is down there again visiting with her now.

Tonight we’re going to dinner with James and Addy as they leave for Amsterdam tomorrow. We had cigar night last night and six of us hung of for a couple hours. It was great to all get together again. James always brings back fun stories from behind the scenes. They’re gone 10 days or so and then home for a week before James heads back to Europe for shows in five cities. Glad Addy is going with him on the first leg which is mostly rehearsal with the new stage and production. He’s been working hard and is a little beat from the past two weeks of press with everyone from Jimmy Kimmel to Howard Stern. On Wednesday they had to get up at 4am PST for Stern’s show.

We’re tired too but with them leaving tomorrow, decided to go to dinner when they called this morning. If they weren’t headed out, we would have stayed home.

Ty is making lasagna tonight for Maddie and not sure what Jagger is doing. No snow up here, thank God. We were headed to Denver this morning but were too tired and Lori was worried about leaving town today. I’ll head down Tuesday.

Time to go, hope you all see this, God Bless.

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