Back at it

Everybody made it home safe, Dixie is doing fine, but tired, and Lori and I finally settled back into our routine after cleaning up around the house. I still have two dishwashers full of clean dishes to unload but that’s about it. All in all it was a good week and weekend.

It’s 5:45 now and we’re headed to the gym before our day gets going. Time for both of us to get back in the groove as we ate too much crap and missed the gym for 2 or 3 days in a row. Warm temps headed to Denver and up here starting today, whoo hoo.

I think we’re just going to head to Hawaii when Jagger is out of school. Ty wants to work as he’s trying to figure out a way to stay in Denver this summer. He needs to pay for it on his own though so it’ll be a challenge. He won’t be driving anytime soon as it’ll be a couple years before his tickets and accident drops off his record. Live and learn.

The Av’s are on a roll, the Nuggets finished the regular season with a win and both are in first place with playoffs starting in a week. Should be a fun time in Denver with both teams playing at Ball Arena. James is on Jimmy Kimmel the next four nights in a row. They film it during the day so he’s home Thursday evening before heading to Amsterdam on Saturday. A lot of people think the life of a rock star is glamourous and while it is, he works hard. I get daily texts of all the crap he goes through and there’s a lot of shit. I always tell him, everybody has shit, doesn’t matter who you are. That’s why social media is such a joke, it paints a picture of everyone with this idyllic life where everything is perfect, not true. By the way, want to stop gun violence and shootings, or at least greatly reduce them? Get rid of social media! That’ll never happen but you can trace most of the issues in the Country to false narrative from everyone from Sleepy Joe and the administration to your neighbor in his basement pushing falsehoods and lies on the internet. None of this crap happened before we were all connected now did it.

I could go on but what’s the point. People believe what they see on tv and read on the internet regardless. What a shame that so many while thinking they know what’s going on are just followers of false leaders and even bots. God help us when AI takes over.

Time to go, enjoy the week and God Bless.

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