Good Friday

On Good Friday, we remember the day Jesus willingly suffered and died by crucifixion as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins (1 John 1:10). Easter follows it, the glorious celebration of the day Jesus was raised from the dead, heralding his victory over sin and death and pointing ahead to a future resurrection for all who are united to him by faith (Romans 6:5).

As a kid, I remember Easter as a fun holiday with Easter egg hunts, Spring weather and a beautiful lunch somewhere with the family. Lots of times we went to The Palm with Mom and Dad down in Scottsdale. The food was endless with rows and rows of everything you could imagine and the desserts were overwhelming. Mom always hid an Easter basket for each of us kids and even when we were older, would always send a card with a small check. She was so good about never ever missing any holiday.

Dixie spent another night at the hospital. Lori was going to spend the night but they assured her she’d make it through the night. Today She’ll head back while I’ll go grocery shopping and then head home to let the house cleaners in. Ty and Jagger will leave Denver around 4 to come up and Kristin arrives from California around 8 tonight. We’re hoping to get Dixie home today but I am concerned whether or not she’ll be coming home. Say a prayer.

Tomorrow Dixie will be 92! That’s a good life any way you measure it. Still, it’s always difficult when one passes. Let’s hope she rally’s.

I’m still recouping a bit from my stomach bug or food poisoning. Lori said there’s lots of people at the hospital waiting for beds that have Norovirus, ugh.

Meanwhile the World is a mess. You have the White House telling trans kids to fight back less than 48 hours after a trans kid shot up a Christian school. It’s like they’re celebrating or justifying the shooter! WTF? Yesterday another trans kid in Colorado Springs was arrested after being turned in by a family member. She had a manifesto and planned on shooting up some places too. 95% of all shootings in the past year have been by trans kids. Anyone see a connection here? The White House doesn’t. Neither does Budweiser who just announced they’re featuring a boy turned girl on their beer cans and Nike announced they’re using him to model sports bras! That’s right, I said him. Unbelievable. I personally don’t care what anyone does with their body or life but allowing kids to decide to change their sexuality when they’re children, like under 18, makes no sense. Also trans people make up less than one tenth of one percent of the population, so what gives? The government is once again trying to deflect from their failures and further divide us. Don’t fall for it. Mom would always say, walk away, don’t engage. What a mess. One could argue the second coming of Christ is needed now! Mark my words, he will come, and you will want to be on the right side of things!

Happy Easter weekend, God Bless.

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