
Last night the wind was blowing, so much that I kept waking up here and there. The day was nice though which was good. In the morning the boys, (3 of them, Ethan wasn’t feeling well), went to the range with Steve for some training and fun. In the meantime, I dropped Lori at her mom’s who wasn’t feeling well. After cleaning up at her place and getting Dixie to take a shower, they told Lori that a stomach bug had been going around the building. Thanks for the heads up, after the fact!

The boys left around 11 and Lori and I did stuff around the house for the rest of the day. I did go wash her car and fill it up with gas. Later in the day, Lori wanted to get some sun but with the wind, there was a chill in the air. Being smart, she turned my truck around so the truck bed was facing the sun and laid down in the back of the truck in the driveway! Funny but pretty smart. The truck bed made a nice wind break and she was able to get her sun! For most of the day, she wasn’t feeling too well. Hope she’s better this morning. My rash is getting better and I’m off to Denver at 7. Lori is going into the office this morning but will hopefully get out of there early today.

Time to get moving, April 3rd already. A little snow tomorrow which clears out in 24 hours. Bring on Spring. Have a great week, God Bless.

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