In the groove

Lori and Addy had another great day at the range. They’ve come a really long way in a few short hours. I ran up valley and picked up lunch for them while they were training. Later in the day I ran to Costco and the grocery store. After that we settled in and watched a movie before the big showdown between the Nuggets and the Grizzles. The first half was rough as we couldn’t hit a 3 pointer but after 3 quarters we were tied and in the 4th, dominated! It was a great game in true Nuggets fashion where if were not leading from the start, we hang around and then stomp. It’s a fun year for basketball in Denver.

Today, well, you guessed it, we’re headed to the gym and then I’m not sure what’s up. Jag might come up to visit, we’re not sure. No real snow, just a dusting that I can blow off with the leaf blower. Lori had a patient who we’ve known in the valley since we moved here, text from the ER last night as they wanted to do a spinal tap thinking he had meningitis. You don’t want to fool around with that as you could lose a limb or two so she went into instant “I got this” mode. In minutes she had a PA and Dr. B, who was in Miami, calling the patient and doctors in the ER. Not sure of the outcome as I was sucked into the game. I’ll ask her this morning.

Marty is back from Grand Caymen late tonight and James is having a so so time in Calgary. I guess shooting a movie is a lot of sitting around. Cold up there too. He’s not back until next Wednesday. He texts daily updates though.

That’s it, no bozo talk today, I’m taking a break pretending he isn’t President, ha. Enjoy your weekend and God Bless.

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