Snow coming

Here it comes. They say 10 to 20 inches south of us and 8 to 16 north of us. Hopefully we’re in the eye of the storm and end up with 2 or 3 inches. We’ll know by tomorrow morning. It’s been a snowy cold winter. We shouldn’t have any water issues this year. Right now we have blue sky and a few clouds and that’s it.

Grand Junction was nice. It was good to see Randy. He should have sketches of my desk done in a few days. He sent me home with a bunch of canned goods including corn, banana peppers, peaches, and strawberry jam. He also gave me a bunch of air packed fresh spices. After meeting with him, I had lunch with Matt before heading home. The drive was fine with not much traffic.

Lori was home around 5:30. Today she’s back in Vail. Tomorrow Frisco, weather permitting.

Yesterday Biden went to Ukraine. We warned Russia we were going so they stopped launching missiles. Yet when Biden walked out they still turned on the air raid sirens full blast, no one ran for cover or paid any attention, funny. This clearly was an orchestrated photo op to make him look tough. He is afraid though to go to the southern border though! Oh well, if you’re drinking the Kool-Aid, nothing will change your mind.

The concerning thing is today Russia announced it is suspending it’s membership in the World nuclear treaty that all countries have signed. Let’s hope this is just posturing by Russia. We need to stop poking the bear and work for peace in Ukraine instead of continuing to escalate the war which we seem to continuously do. But relax, Biden and his buddies have been in Washington for 40 years. Most have never had a regular job, they surely know what they’re doing! Insert sarcasm, enough said.

Have a great day, God Bless.

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