Snow Squall

It only lasted about 30 minutes but arrived right on schedule, according to the Emergency Alert email I received around 6:30pm. At 7:07pm the wind picked up and snow blowing sideways came up the valley like a freight train barreling through a tunnel. It didn’t last long and only left a little less than an inch of snow. Hope it’s not bad on the pass. I’m leaving around 7 this morning just in case.

Yesterday I washed Lori’s car and filled it with gas as it’s been sitting in the garage since last Thursday. I washed my truck yesterday so both cars are clean. If you really know me, you know I hate dirty vehicles.

I hope to get in and out of town quickly and plan on being home by 2. Not a whole lot else going on to talk about. Things are getting uneasy out there, people are stressed more than usual. You see it everywhere you go. Just an observation, I’ll leave it at that.

Enjoy the day, be thankful and do something for yourself. You deserve it! God Bless.

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