What is going on?

Before I get into it, yesterday was another beautiful day in the mountains. Lori worked all day and I had my conference call and then handled some emails. I’ve been trying to kick a sinus infection for a few weeks. Seems like it never ends. I’m sure it’s part allergies too.

Yesterday afternoon Ty received an alert while in class to evacuate his dorm due to a threat, super. At the same time, Summit High School in Breckenridge had the same thing happen. Both were cleared and nothing found but what the hell is going on?

This all stems from the current state of our Country. No accountability from the President on down, for any lies or crimes. Experts say, and I quote, that skyrocketing inflation, political division, social unrest and a relentless effort to wipe away the fundamental principles of the nation, offer an elegy for what the country used to be and warn of what it has become.

“The America of the 1980s has pretty much vanished,” Manhattan Institute senior fellow Chris Rufo said. “We’re now entering a new period of unprecedented economic, social and cultural change.” With unbearable living costs, anti-American “woke” sentimentality infiltrating the nation’s public schools and universities, riots in the streets of major U.S. cities, and the emboldening of the nation’s greatest adversaries, including Russia and China, we are well on our way to a total collapse of the life we once knew. How can you be an American and promote an anti-American agenda. If you do, by definition, you’re not an American, right?

All great civilizations from Rome on have had an average life span of about 225 years. We as a Country, founded in 1776, have already passed that milestone. Tonight Biden will spin facts and spew lies to tell us that everything is great. He’ll blame Republicans for anything not going well from the border to the increased crime to the economy and social unrest. He’ll label anyone who doesn’t agree with him as a racist. This is their method of operation. What they always go to. If you disagree with them, you’re the bad one and you’re the problem. Don’t be fooled by this. Remember the days when you were younger. It doesn’t have to be like this. Pray we can turn this around or it’ll be a living hell for the younger generation and our Country’s future. We can be the exception to history if we all just use common sense. It’s amazing how people just stand by and take this crap that less than 600 people (the politicians) in Washington, tell us is best for us. From the so called vaccine to an open border being good for us to special privileges for those who were oppressed hundreds of years ago, it’s clear they are wrong on all accounts. Yet people still vote for these people even though they are systematically ruining their lives. Maybe we are doomed as people complain about things and then vote to keep people in power who are doing the very things to them that they complain about. Talk about the definition of stupid!

Time to stop as now I’m just ranting. It’s just so hard to fathom what’s happening to our great Country. I really can’t believe intelligent people are going along with a lot of the crap being handed down by fools like those in Washington. These people were elected to be our representatives, not our leaders.

So what can you do? Well, talk with your family and friends. Change starts one person at a time. It’s not too late, the people have power and this will only stop when the people unite and say enough is enough.

Keep the faith, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. As for us, we’re all about doing what we can to live our life in peace and making sure we set the boys up the best we can. God Bless us all and God Bless the USA.

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