Just an inch

While in Denver it seems to be Snowmageddon, up here, we have about an inch. I was down to Denver by 9 and back by 1. I met up with Ty and dropped him a bunch of clothes, some groceries and some birthday stuff. He along with Maddy and Vinnie went to the Nuggets game last night which we won. They ended up sitting right behind the team and Ty bought a Nuggets jersey with some of his birthday money. They kept face timing us during the game.

On the way up, our friend Rollie called asking if the canyon was closed. She was an hour ahead of me on the way to her house in Aspen. Turns out 4 semis crashed and it was closed all day. She ended up hanging out at our house waiting for it to open and eventually just decided to spend the night. She had to cancel her chemo appointment in Aspen (her cancer came back) and will drive over to Aspen this morning. Lucky we were around or she would have been in a World of hurt. We were happy we could help her out. That’s what friends do.

Today Lori works in Edwards and I’ll head to the gym after Rollie gets on the road. The local news pre-empted the network shows for the snow storm but it doesn’t look all that bad. Maybe Denver got a bunch.

Time to get moving, make it a great day and God Bless.

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