
Yesterday we there were three good football games and a good basketball game. All three of my teams won and so did the Nuggets on a last second 3 point shot by the Joker. We brought Dixie up for a few hours and then at 4 pm went bowling with James, Adriana and her two boys who are 16 and 17. We hadn’t been bowling sine I can remember, maybe ever together. I was pretty good but Lori struggled a bit. To be fair, her back has been sore so that had something to do with it. We had a blast and were all acting silly like teenagers after a great shot or strike. Afterwards they came up to the house for a while and we watch the first half of the 3rd football game before they headed home. Fun time.

We have maybe two inches of snow outside and I think someone stole one of my snow shovels! I’m so pissed as it was the good one too. I use two shovels when I shovel snow so it goes faster, one in each hand. Now it’s going to take me twice as long.

It’s Melanie’s birthday today and Lori is making enchilada’s for her. They’re coming over at 5. It’s MLK Day so some places are open and others closed. Tomorrow is Ty’s birthday and I’m headed to Denver. Lori is trying to take the day off. Ty will be 19, wow!

Time to go, have a great day and God Bless.

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