To the doctor

Ty has a 9am appointment to have his cast removed and hopefully the pins taken out of his hand. Jag went to Boulder yesterday and will be back probably tomorrow or Wednesday. One more day of no formal work even though Lori and I are both getting a jump on the new year. We both work whenever we need to and have no actual set hours.

Yesterday we hung out after the gym. The NFL stole the game from the Bronco’s with bad calls and the Nuggets beat the Celtics who are in first place in the Eastern Conference. It was a good game.

Every year people have some kind of resolutions, but this year, I have a new kind of outlook on life. It’s hard for me to explain as it’s something internal that allows me to see things from outside the mundane day to day reality. That probably doesn’t make any sense to anyone. I think you have to feel it or live it to understand. It’s an eerie sense of calm and control that I’ve always had but this year I’ve seemed to sharpen it more than before. It’s like seeing things from a different plane or dimension. Oh well, to each their own. Ty has a list of 5 or 6 things! He quit drinking and smoking and it’s been about 5 days now. He did it on his own and has also put in place some new organizational practices, goals at school and has committed himself to working out 5 days a week. Good for him.

7am now so time to get moving. It’s a short week with today off. Think I’ll try to declutter some more around here. Think we’re going to try to go to Hawaii sometime in February, we’ll see.

Be well, stay safe and rock on! God Bless.

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