Yesterday we left for Denver at 7 and had everyone to the airport by 9:20. Meanwhile Jag was at Costco by 9 and was 4th in line at the tire center. Ty took him some coffee and gloves and a hat and then drove him home after he was checked in. Lori and I headed straight home and made it by about noon. An hour later, Annette, Serena and Matt landed in California safely and we’re headed home too. It was a fun week.
Jag left for Boulder in the afternoon to beat the snow and tomorrow Ty and Lori, (or maybe me) will head to Frisco to see when Ty needs surgery. I’d be really shocked if he didn’t.
We have maybe 2 inches of snow outside. It’s still overcast and I think more snow is coming sometime tomorrow night. Time to get moving, Harley is hungry and I could use a cup of coffee. Have a great day, Go Broncos and God Bless.