A break

Weather was sort of crappy yesterday. Today it’s going to be nice, so they say. Tomorrow, a little snow. Next week they say it’ll warm up just in time for Annette who hates the cold. Now before anyone gets excited (Annette), warm up means like 40 degrees, but that’s better than 5 degrees which it is outside right now.

I’m meeting Ty this morning at Phoebe’s for haircuts. Then I need to return some things at Home Depot before heading home. Lori is working in Frisco today. Her doctor appointment went great and she’s all cleared to go back to working out without any restrictions.

Time is moving fast these days. It’ll be 2023 before we know it. Think we’re going to go to Hawaii after Christmas if we can find a place to stay. We might stay at James, we’re waiting to see if it’s available.

5:45 am now so time to go. I’m meeting Toby at 8:30 to pick up a check for a couple high end rifles I flipped. College is expensive, thank God I have a side gig I’m pretty good at. I don’t know how anyone survives without a side hustle. The governments policies are forcing everyone to get some sort of extra income to make ends meet. At least the GOP is going to win the House. I heard Trump announced he’s running in 2024. Why can’t this guy just go away. His time is over. All he’ll do is screw things up. Now watch him win, ha.

Time to move and groove, God Bless.

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