Today Ty has graduation rehearsal at noon. Friday I think at 4;30 in Vail is the ceremony. We’re all excited for him. Soon he too will be off to college. Hard to believe when you think about it.
Last night I went to sleep a little after 8pm. I haven’t had much sleep lately as the kids have been coming home late waking us up. I needed to try to catch up a bit. Lori and I could sleep all day if we had the time, ha.
Good things happening at work. I’ll leave it at that, but we have some exciting new partnerships with some major companies.
This morning the driveway is getting resealed. I think they basically put a new coat of tar down on the asphalt. We need all the cars off the driveway by about 8 and then it needs to dry for 24 hours. Should look good when it’s done.
Time to get moving, hope everyone is doing well, take care and God Bless.