Dinner Party

Tonight friends are coming for dinner so today we’re cleaning, ugh. Ty was going to Boulder but I think is now going next weekend. Snow Monday, ugh. Cold most of next week. Hope it holds off until Lori gets back up Monday. I’m going to leave early Monday morning but she’ll be heading up in the afternoon.

James leaves tomorrow morning. We hung out a bit yesterday and are having lunch today. He heads to California for practice Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before the show on Thursday in Vegas. We’re working on a restaurant deal together. Super cool if it comes together but we’ll see. We have a cool hunt on March 7th and are staying at The Brown Palace the night before. We have a dinner on the 8th with a guy helping with our deal.

Ty was out until midnight and has about 20 loads of laundry to do. Still jumping through hoops to wrap up the re-fi. Too many details to explain. Harley threw up some rubber basketball this morning as she pops them and then eats them. Kind of her thing. She loves to play ball.

Think I’ll head out to the gym and get the day moving. Lori made cheesecake but I’m off most dairy and sugar. Down 7 pounds since Super Bowl. Not that hard, just need to make up your mind and stick to it. Every person is different, so you need to find out what works for you. Oh well, just doing my thing.

Watch for war in Ukraine. We need to step back and butt out, but we won’t. Not going to get into it but hope it doesn’t happen. Have a great weekend, God Bless.

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