
57 degrees in Denver yesterday, almost Spring like. 42 up here when I made it home. Had a great lunch with my longtime friend and business associate. We’re on a good track to get things back to where they were. Today I’m working around here while Lori is in Frisco. Tomorrow I need to run down to see Jag to pick up a suit for Ty to wear this weekend. Weather is supposed to hold.

The Big Game is coming up soon, should be fun. Think I’ll try to take him to lunch. Not sure if the mask thing is over in Boulder or not. It is just about everywhere else. Most democratic States have rescinded the mandate, but good old Biden is still pushing it. Same with Trudeau in Canada. He’s in big trouble as they might overthrow the government up there. The police arrested a 78-year-old great grandfather the other day for honking his horn and giving a thumbs up to the trucker protest. Wow. The elites are losing their grip on power and they’re freaking out. The end is near.

Time to move and groove. Enjoy the day. I think Serena is coming for a visit the end of March. Should be nice by then. God Bless.

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