I did it! I managed to get the garage clean. Took about 3 1/2 hours but it was long overdue. Hard to believe we’ve only been here about 11 months with all the crap we accumulated. To top it off I swung over to Ace Hardware and bought some brackets and wood to put up a shelf for our router. So all in all a good day. I cleaned up the mud room and a few other areas in the house too. Throw in six loads of laundry and it was a busy day.
Ty went mountain biking with Will and I picked him up at 7 in Edwards. Mojo is driving me up a wall. He crapped again on the living room rug. Not sure what to do with him. In, out, in, out, that’s his routine.
I’m off to Denver in a few to drop the Suburban which we’re selling back to the dealer and meet Jag who will drive me back up the hill. I think we’ll stop by Tommy’s to see his new truck. I do have a conference call at 9. Ty is staying home with the dogs. Lori is doing fine except she still has her headache. Feel bad for her but at least we know she’s not allergic to sage, or worse, me! Taxes tomorrow, they suck. No other way to describe them.
Time to go, make it a great week, God Bless.