The Mister Returns…

Good morning.  The Mister is on a flight home and he should arrive at 6:00p.m.  The boys and I will load up to retrieve him from DIA….hopefully the snow doesn’t start falling until tomorrow.  We are all very excited to have him get home.  The boys were both saying how much they miss him and how hard it is not to have him home. I’m sure he will be thrilled to know how much we all missed him.

The Mister woke up at 2:00a.m. Italian time to watch the Broncos game.  He should have stayed asleep.  The Broncos did not seem to bring their “A” game to New England, but it is still an accomplishment to have made it as far as they did in the playoffs.  Maybe next year.

My Dad had all but thrown in the towel during the niners game…oh…ye of little faith.  If you didn’t watch the game you missed a really great game.  Both teams played so well.  The Saints looked fantastic….but they have not won a playoff game at Candlesick in 4 tries…let’s make that 5 now, and the last play that the 49ers made was text book beautiful.  I had the 49ers picked to win against all odds…the oldest asked who I wanted to win because we do like both teams.  He said he really liked Drew (the Saints Q.B.) but since Grandpa Bob is a tried and true 49er fan he would cheer for the 49ers.  My Dad was so happy when I called him.  I’m sure Gram Annette and Uncle Jim were just as overjoyed. Now we just need the Green Bay Packers to win. Put on your Cheese Heads.

Both kiddos are still asleep and hopefully they will stay that way for a while.  Boy were they cranky last night. The youngest had the cutest “Mean face” you’ve ever seen.  The oldest and I couldn’t look at him because we might giggle and really make the youngest mad.  The oldest had his moments as well, but once his brother fell asleep we had some quality “Snuggle” time and then he asked if I would take him in to his room and tuck him in.  He doesn’t like to sleep in my bed…it’s not big enough for both boys to sleep sideways…understandable…it’s a bit difficult for me too.

The kids seemed to enjoy the gymnastics center.  They were quite sweaty when we left.  They climbed, jumped, ran and swung on and across everything their hands or feet touched.

We have a bit of work to do around here today…and we have to walk the dogs.  The boys don’t like to go on the walks because they can’t hold Mojo.  I can barely hold Mojo…135 pounds of furry excitement is difficult to contain.  I’ve tried treats in my pocket to keep the big guy’s attention, as Anti B. suggested, but there is no comparison…a treat or a moving squirrel…hmmm.  He is much better behaved with a passing dog… as long as Aunti B. is not the person on the other end of the leash. We’ll give it a go anyway.

I am off to make a pot of coffee to get me going… I really just want to curl up on the couch and watch a movie…not today L.

Have a great day….Go Packers….and God Bless,




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