21 Years

Seems like a long long time ago. 21 years. Scottsdale Arizona. Mid-afternoon, Lori and I were married at La Posada Resort. It was the single best wedding I’ve ever been to and I’ve been to a lot of them. We had a little over 80 people and most all were from out of town. We brought our own band, (guitar player and pa system), and sang and danced the night away. Weather was perfect. Couldn’t have asked for a better day.

We’ve done a lot, a whole lot, in 21 years. Thank God I have about half of it documented in the blog. The best part of the whole trip was every step of the way was with the greatest wife, mother, and friend anyone ever could ask for. I always say, I married up! That is 100% true. I told Lori last night let’s see if we can top it in the next 21 years so here we go.

I didn’t sleep at all last night, maybe 4 hours total. I took my last steroid around 6 or 7 and it kept me up all night. Lori is sleeping and I need to get Ty up as he needs to get to school early. Then I’m off for a quick turn to Denver while Lori works from home.

So Happy Anniversary to my beautiful wife and the love of my life. Thank you the amazing journey. More to come so buckle up my love! God Bless.

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