1 more night!

I was sleeping in today until Lori called at 6:40. I guess she was up early around 4:30 with Dixie. It’s snowing outside right now with about an inch on the ground. It is going to warm up next week though so we have that to look forward to.

Yesterday I headed out to Aspen around 9:45 and was back by 1. I spent the day wrapping the month up and had one of the best months in a year selling wine. Looks like public sentiment is trending in the right direction. I saw on the news that people over 60 can go get the shot this week. Still on the fence. Lori has an itch and rash on her back from when she had her second shot. Still a lot of unknowns.

Ty cleaned his room and did a really good job. Around 6 he and I drove to Edwards to get some food to go. We were going to go for sushi but they were booked. We’re hanging close to home today as tomorrow I’m off to pick up Lori.

The government is crazy right now. The House passed what they call a covid relief bill this morning that only spends 9% of the $1.9 Trillion dollars on covid. It’s a wish list for liberal States passed by liberal democrats. Sadly our kids will have to pay the bill unless they just keep printing money. Problem with that is it devalues our dollar which is why eggs are $7 a dozen verses .62 cents in 1970! That’s a big wow if you didn’t get it. Gold is crashing which is opposite of what it should be with the Dow Jones crashing 1000 points in 48 hours. If you don’t know by now, it’s all a shell game. Hope you have a seat when the music stops!

Our firepit is almost done. Monday the gas and electric gets hooked up. We’ve been working on this since last July. It’ll be great next week when it’s up and running. Nice touch for the house. Speaking of the house, our value has gone up somewhere between $500K and $1 Million dollars, unbelievable. The problem is if you sell there’s no where to go as everything has gone up. So it’s not real money unless you sell.

Time to get moving. Mojo made a mess in the garage and I’ve already cleaned it up. Harley sleeps inside these days but Mojo sleeps in his bed in the garage as he has accidents in the night from time to time, like last night.

March 1st Monday! Whoo hoo, only another month until is really warms up, hopefully. Take care, God Bless.

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