
After my Denver trip I went to the doctor and ended up on steroids instead of antibiotics. That’s why the grrr, as they make you edgy. I’m actually fine but if seeing Lori on steroids is any indication of how you feel, the grrr is coming.

Ty has school today and the snow is coming soon so they say. Tomorrow is dry and then more on Friday. We’ll see. Looks like more people can get the vaccine. Just saw on the news that all Denver Public School employees can get it now. Also heard those 65 to 68 can get it. Wonder what’s up with the 68 to 70 year old people, ha. Was talking with Tommy and he and I are both watching and waiting for now.

Painters are showing up at 8am to fix some things. Slowly but surely we’re getting things done around here.

Just saw a blurb on the news about how divided we are politically and how when you throw in covid, things are not normal. Well I have one thing to say to that, Duuuuh! Guess the media and politicians are just figuring this out. Typical as both groups are usually detached from reality or at best, months behind what’s really happening. They asked for comments and the first one was someone saying they’re getting off all social media! That’s about the smartest thing I’ve heard ever. Our old neighbor in Lakewood, Steve Erickson, who I talked to yesterday told me the same thing. He said he quit it when all this crap started. Guess I need to join in. People on it though feel they’re going to miss out on something, me included. Some of it is entertainment and really funny but in the end, it’s more bad than good for society. So I’m giving it a try. Too bad as I was just getting my Rolling Stones posts going. Maybe I’ll start by just limiting myself to music, we’ll see. It’s sort of like giving up your cell phone. We all were fine without them but are now conditioned to have them attached to our ear or close by. Years ago I said technology would advance faster than our capability as people to deal with it. Wasn’t hard to predict that but it sure came true. Wish me luck.

Time to move, be well, be safe, stay healthy and think for yourself. As always, God Bless.

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