Today Trump is out and Biden is in. Things are about to get weird and it could start as soon as this afternoon. Watch for a bunch of Executive Orders. You might not notice them right away but they will change the way we live. Hope for the best.
Ty has school today at 8 and Lori is in Vail. I have a few calls and then am headed to Glenwood. Jag is doing well and so are the dogs. I think the electrician is coming by today to fix the heat tape on the roof.
I made it to Libby’s on time. Ty ended up not going so I had her tell me what to do for him. She froze some age spots on my hands and that was about it. Then I met a buddy and picked up some supplies before heading home. Time to get ready to take Ty and then go to the gym. Be well, be safe and God Bless.