Lots going on this week. We have the inauguration, Ty and I are in Denver tomorrow, school and work for both boys and Lori and I, and I need to lock down the revenue model for the Company for 2021 by Wednesday. Then this weekend the Packers play and Tina’s birthday dinner is Sunday night in Denver. Hope the Country begins to heal this week but my fear is Biden will push things too far left and just further divide us. All signs point to him planning on being President for half the people, not all the people. Too bad as he’s missing a real chance to bring people together with just a little bit of moderation.
We had steak and lobster for dinner last night. Thanks Robert and Robi for the lobster. I need to go bird hunting. Been too long. Also need to top off some supplies before Wednesday as some things might be outlawed or hard to get. Sad situation. Get what you need now. The way to control people is to control things they need whether it be food, medical care and especially money. The Dems would prefer to have monthly stimulus checks go out to millions on the taxpayers dime rather than have people go back to work. That way they control those getting the checks. See how that works? Fucked up World right now. No worries, a reset will come. It always does. Throughout history the lifespan of all the great civilization’s has been about 250 years. Right now we are 245 years old as a Country, hmmm. Anyone remember the wild west?
It’s almost 8am as we slept in again. MLK Day today. Lots of things closed. He was a great man who helped lead the Country forward in the right way. Think I’ll clean the mud room and garage today. Thanks to you all for Ty’s birthday wishes and cards. He appreciates it. God Bless.