Yesterday the kids headed back to school and today Mom heads back to work. The boys had a great day seeing all their friends again but boy were they tired when they got home. The youngest brought his friend Scott home with us for a play date and he stayed until about 5. Meanwhile the oldest and I went outside and worked on riding his Ripstick which is a two wheeled kind of skate board thing. Earlier in the day the misses and I went grocery shopping and stopped into Christy Sports (the ski shop) to rent some snow board boots for the season for both boys. We had met a guy who runs the shop before Christmas and through our new friendship, he just gave us the boots to use for the season. That’s right, no charge, not even any paperwork, just a “don’t worry about it, just take them”. Boy was that a nice surprise. He also runs a web site for family’s who snow board and will be teaching the boys in a few weeks. He and his wife have a 5 year old who’s been boarding for a couple of years. We’re all excited.
Today I need to run up to the DOW (Department of Wildlife) to turn in our landowner preference forms so we can keep getting hunting tags. It was quite the chore to get them filled out as you have to have a lot of information not easily found. I’m going to run them up rather than mail them so I can meet the head guy and strike up a relationship. Did you ever notice how life is made up of relationships? It seems like everything has been all about doing everything on the internet as fast as possible without any contact or interaction with actual people for some time now, but I think we’re slowly returning to the days where people want to do business with people they know and trust which is bringing relationships back into vogue. Personally I never got away from this. I would always rather do business with someone I know and trust than some impersonal web site. In fact, if I’m making a large purchase, I’ll pay a bit more to buy locally rather than save a few bucks on some web site so if I have a problem, I have someone to go to. I’ll save this topic for another day, but trust me, friendships and relationships with people you can trust will become more and more important in the coming years, no doubt about it.
Mom’s making lunch for the boys and the oldest one is on the couch with me as he woke up at 5:30 with bad dreams. The National Western Stock Show starts this Saturday and runs through the 22nd. We’ll have to get down there the week of the 16th. Maybe we can drag my Mom along. The snow is almost gone and it’s supposed to be in the 60’s today. It feels more like April than January. Sooner or later the snow will come, it always does.
Before I go, I want to just take a couple of minutes and put on my boy scout uniform. I know most of you just brush me off but please read below and just do these few simple things for me this year.
1. when you’re grocery shopping, buy a few extra cans of food each trip 2. try to get a month or two supply of extra prescription medicine 3. try to keep your gas tank at least always half full, and 4. buy some bottled water to keep at home
Ok, that’s it for the day. The misses just handed me some old fashioned oatmeal (not the pre-packaged stuff) with some coconut shavings on top, for breakfast. Hope you all have a great day, the youngest ones birthday is coming up on the 17th and he wants and needs a new bike as his is too small. In fact, he was riding his brothers all last year. I’ll need to figure out how to afford this along with his party which is 10 days from Saturday.
Oh well, just another expense to add to the list.
Hope everyone is well, take care and God Bless.